Only two days in Western Iceland, visiting Snaefellsnes peninsula and Lake Thingvallavatn.

Two new species for life list.                                                                                see the check-list below

9th - 10th June 2008

check list

  1. 1)Whooper Swan

  2. 2)Greylag Goose

  3. 3)Wigeon

  4. 4)Gadwall

  5. 5)Eurasian Teal

  6. 6)Mallard

  7. 7)Tufted Duck

  8. 8)Greater Scaup

  9. 9)Common Eider

  10. 10)Harlequin Duck

  11. 11)Long-tailed Duck

  12. 12)Red-breasted Merganser

  13. 13)Rock Ptarmigan

  14. 14)Red-throated Diver

  15. 15)Great Northern Diver

  16. 16)Northern Fulmar

  17. 17)Great Cormorant

  18. 18)European Shag

  19. 19)White-tailed Eagle

  20. 20)Gyrfalcon

  21. 21)Eurasian Oystercatcher

  22. 22)European Golden Plover

  23. 23)Common Ringed Plover

  24. 24)Common Snipe

  25. 25)Black-tailed Godwit

  26. 26)Whimbrel

  27. 27)Common Redshank

  28. 28)Ruddy Turnstone

  29. 29)Dunlin

  30. 30)Red-necked Phalarope

  31. 31)Parasitic Skua

  32. 32)Ring-billed Gull

  33. 33)Great Black-backed Gull

  34. 34)Glaucous Gull

  35. 35)Herring Gull

  36. 36)Lesser Black-backed Gull

  37. 37)Black-headed Gull

  38. 38)Black-legged Kittiwake

  39. 39)Arctic Tern

  40. 40)Black Guillemot

  41. 41)Atlantic Puffin

  42. 42)Meadow Pipit

  43. 43)White Wagtail

  44. 44)Redwing

  45. 45)Northern Wheatear

  46. 46)Common Raven

  47. 47)Starling

  1. Cigno selvatico

  2. Oca selvatica

  3. Fischione

  4. Canapiglia

  5. Alzavola

  6. Germano reale

  7. Moretta

  8. Moretta grigia

  9. Edredone

  10. Moretta arlecchino

  11. Moretta codona

  12. Smergo minore

  13. Pernice bianca

  14. Strolaga minore

  15. Strolaga maggiore

  16. Fulmaro

  17. Cormorano

  18. Marangone dal ciuffo

  19. Aquila di mare

  20. Girfalco

  21. Beccaccia di mare

  22. Piviere dorato

  23. Corriere grosso

  24. Beccaccino

  25. Pittima reale

  26. Chiurlo piccolo

  27. Pettegola

  28. Voltapietre

  29. Piovanello pancianera

  30. Falaropo beccosottile

  31. Labbo

  32. Gavina americana

  33. Mugnaiaccio

  34. Gabbiano glauco

  35. Gabbiano reale nordico

  36. Zafferano

  37. Gabbiano comune

  38. Gabbiano tridattilo

  39. Sterna codalunga

  40. Uria nera

  41. Pulcinella di mare

  42. Pispola

  43. Ballerina bianca

  44. Tordo sassello

  45. Culbianco

  46. Corvo imperiale

  47. Storno